Wednesday 28 April 2010

Me??! ._.

So yeah... what i can say about me...
I'm Natacha, i'm 18 years old. I'm a veterinarian student of the University of Chile...
I was born here in Santiago, but i lived 3 years in Talca, and now i came back. I'm living in my grandmother's house with she, my aunt and my cousing. Well, it was my formal presentation, bored.
I love the animals, obviusly of course, i like to listening to music (punk and rock music generally) and to red books.
I try to be very concient with the environment, i'm a "green girl" in fact I'm a vegetarian girl.
I hate the politicians and i'm not a religion person, i don't have a religion. But i believe in some people, not in any god or divine entity...
This is a little information about me,i don't mind if i like you or not (: