Sunday 27 June 2010

My ideal job

I have a lot of options. Work in a zoo, in an animal hospital, etc
But this time i'm going to talk about only one. My ideal job in this time is have a work in an animal rescue center.
It will be ideal for me, I could save wild animal for example circus animal or from the animal traffic.
Maybe I could be the veterinarian head!! it will be so cool xD
The problem is in this country there is not a lot of these places, I know there is one near to Rancagua, and in south of Chile.
I could travel to other country, Argentina maybe. Is near here and they have good places to find a job.
Is very common the people find injured animals that need veterinarian help. For example wild animals that have problems with the farmers. Foxes or pumas often eat cattle and the cow or sheep's owners shot the animal. After they need a hospital, but there's anyone.
For the vets is very difficult work don`t having special conditions. This is the cause I want have this kind of job. And if there is not a place to work. Maybe I could found a hospital or center with this kind of special attention.
Well, I'll need a lot of money!! therefore, before to have my ideal job I'll work in other places, in a zoo or in a clinic. I love the cats!! I could work with they, in a place only of cats!! A normal clinic is ok. My aunt has one, I could work with she ...
But anything related with this career I will love it.

P.S: I have a mistake before, this is the new post .... sorry guys!!!

Thursday 17 June 2010

My Favourite Subject

... is Zoology of course!!! In this subject we can learn a lot of information about animals, all kind of animals!!! ^^ is so cool I think xD

On tuesday we have lectures. We learn about birds the last lecture. On friday we had classes in the lab, but we finished it the other week. Now we just have expositions about a lots of differents issues.

The last friday I had to talk about chilean birds. I loved to. Other classmates must to talk about mammals, for example.

In the lab we had to dissect animals. It wasn't good, but is a didactic way to teach us. We learn internal and external anatomy of fish, worms, arthropods, etc

For tests you need an elephant's memory, or better maybe xD You must to know a lots of names, for external and internal anatomy, behaviour, reproduction, etc, etc and not only one animal. NOT. A lots differents phyllums of their, with its respectives sub divisions... a very hard work.

But... I love it!! Really.

The other friday ( not tomorrow, the next) we have the second test. From echinoderms until birds. Interesant and stressful too.

I like zoology ... a lot.

Sunday 6 June 2010

My favorite web site

This is the oficial web site of Greenpeace in our country. This organization worry about the care of environment. They make differents actions to get the things they propose. The site have news, other web sites links, information about their campains or themes related with the environment. Also have videos and pictures.
This is not the offcial site of the organization, but for each country they have an own web site.
But... what I chose this site for this homework? What is related with veterinarian medice?
well, I think each vet have a very important task to do for this planet. We can do a lots of things for the animals of this world, and doing just a little thing we are helping so much. This site have good information about this kind of things, I think.
I like this web site 'cause I'm very interested in this kind og things. I could be an greenpeace activist. I'll love to.
How often I visit this web site?
Just sometimes 'cause actually I don't have a net conection and I'm always ver busy!!!

I hope you like this page ;)

Wednesday 19 May 2010

My career ._.

I decided study this profession 'cause I love the animals, just that. I was very young when I choose this career, but two years ago I felt confusing about that, because sometimes we practice in live animals and I'm against the animal cruelty.
In the last time i'm thinking i need to learn alternative veterinarian medicine (:
Personaly I use this kind of medicine and is better than traditional medicine.
I want to work whit wild animals!!! I think it's so cool... but no like Lindorfo ¬¬ I will be a good vet ._.
I hope can save miss treat animals, for example circus animals, zoo animals, etc..
Maybe, i could to work whit the animals that work whit hospital's people or special children. I will check this animals be sane for can help this persons. This will be a nice job ;)
I will go to other countries to study or maybe with a better job. I could work in africans countries, in the natural reserves... this will be so exciting!!! ^^

But, first I should study this weekend for " Bases Moleculares". Somehow you star whit...

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Me??! ._.

So yeah... what i can say about me...
I'm Natacha, i'm 18 years old. I'm a veterinarian student of the University of Chile...
I was born here in Santiago, but i lived 3 years in Talca, and now i came back. I'm living in my grandmother's house with she, my aunt and my cousing. Well, it was my formal presentation, bored.
I love the animals, obviusly of course, i like to listening to music (punk and rock music generally) and to red books.
I try to be very concient with the environment, i'm a "green girl" in fact I'm a vegetarian girl.
I hate the politicians and i'm not a religion person, i don't have a religion. But i believe in some people, not in any god or divine entity...
This is a little information about me,i don't mind if i like you or not (: