Thursday 17 June 2010

My Favourite Subject

... is Zoology of course!!! In this subject we can learn a lot of information about animals, all kind of animals!!! ^^ is so cool I think xD

On tuesday we have lectures. We learn about birds the last lecture. On friday we had classes in the lab, but we finished it the other week. Now we just have expositions about a lots of differents issues.

The last friday I had to talk about chilean birds. I loved to. Other classmates must to talk about mammals, for example.

In the lab we had to dissect animals. It wasn't good, but is a didactic way to teach us. We learn internal and external anatomy of fish, worms, arthropods, etc

For tests you need an elephant's memory, or better maybe xD You must to know a lots of names, for external and internal anatomy, behaviour, reproduction, etc, etc and not only one animal. NOT. A lots differents phyllums of their, with its respectives sub divisions... a very hard work.

But... I love it!! Really.

The other friday ( not tomorrow, the next) we have the second test. From echinoderms until birds. Interesant and stressful too.

I like zoology ... a lot.


Miss said...

... is Zoology of course!!! In this subject we can learn a lot of information about animals, all kind of animals!!! ^^^ is so cool I think xD

On CAPS tuesday we have lectures. We TENSE learn about birds the last lecture. On CAPS friday we had classes in the lab, but we finished it the other week. Now we just have expositions about a lots of WF differents issues.

WW The last CAPS friday I had to talk about CAPS chilean birds. I loved ^ to. Other classmates must WW to talk about mammals, for example.

In the lab we had to dissect animals. It wasn't good, but is a didactic way to teach us. We TENSE learn internal and external anatomy of fish, worms, arthropods, etc

For tests you need an elephant's memory, or better maybe xD You must to know a lots of names, for external and internal anatomy, behaviour, reproduction, etc, etc and not only one animal. NOT. A WF lots WF differents phyllums of their, with its respectives sub divisions... a very hard work.

IT sounds very intereSTING Natacha... I'm glad you enjoyed it
Remember Not to finsh the paragraph with for example ok?

But... I love it!! Really.

The other friday ( not tomorrow, the next) we have the second test. From echinoderms until birds. Interesant and stressful too.

I like zoology ... a lot.

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