Sunday 27 June 2010

My ideal job

I have a lot of options. Work in a zoo, in an animal hospital, etc
But this time i'm going to talk about only one. My ideal job in this time is have a work in an animal rescue center.
It will be ideal for me, I could save wild animal for example circus animal or from the animal traffic.
Maybe I could be the veterinarian head!! it will be so cool xD
The problem is in this country there is not a lot of these places, I know there is one near to Rancagua, and in south of Chile.
I could travel to other country, Argentina maybe. Is near here and they have good places to find a job.
Is very common the people find injured animals that need veterinarian help. For example wild animals that have problems with the farmers. Foxes or pumas often eat cattle and the cow or sheep's owners shot the animal. After they need a hospital, but there's anyone.
For the vets is very difficult work don`t having special conditions. This is the cause I want have this kind of job. And if there is not a place to work. Maybe I could found a hospital or center with this kind of special attention.
Well, I'll need a lot of money!! therefore, before to have my ideal job I'll work in other places, in a zoo or in a clinic. I love the cats!! I could work with they, in a place only of cats!! A normal clinic is ok. My aunt has one, I could work with she ...
But anything related with this career I will love it.

P.S: I have a mistake before, this is the new post .... sorry guys!!!


francisca acuña olea said...

Hi Natacha.
my ideal job is like yours.
good choice. =D

Sebastian said...

You are right in this country there is not a lot of these places, maybe you have to create one... I know that it is difficult bu t I can help you if you want.

Miss said...

I have a lot of options. Work in a zoo, in an animal hospital, etc
But this time i'm going to talk about only one. My ideal job in this time is have a work in an animal rescue center.
It will be ideal for me, I could save wild animal for example circus animal or from the WO animal WW traffic.
Maybe I could be the veterinarian head!! it will be so cool xD
The problem is in this country there is not a lot of these places, I know there is one near to Rancagua, and in south of Chile.
I could travel to other country, Argentina maybe. ^ Is near here and they have good places to find a job.
^ Is very common the people find injured animals that need veterinarian help. For example wild animals that have problems with the farmers. Foxes or pumas often eat cattle and the cow or sheep's owners shot the animal. After they need a hospital, but there's ^ anyone.
For the vets is very difficult work WF don`t having special conditions. This is the cause I want ^ have this kind of job. And if there is not a place to work. Maybe I could found a hospital or center with this kind of special attention.
Well, I'll need a lot of money!! therefore, before to have my ideal job I'll work in other places, in a zoo or in a clinic. I love the cats!! I could work with they, in a place only of cats!! A normal clinic is ok. My aunt has one, I could work with she ...
But anything related with this career I will love it.

P.S: I have a mistake before, this is the new post .... sorry guys!!!

well yeah you would need a lot of money but you never know right?

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